About Us
Next Gen IFMS is a complete suite of applications used by Govt. of Punjab for planning, budgeting, expenditure control, receipt, bills, payment processing, debt management and, audit. This state of art portal has brought various stakeholders such as Department of Finance, Treasuries, Administrative Departments, Accountant General, RBI and Banks on as single platform with role based Smart Dashboards. These Smart Dashboards have provided a better Decision Support System to all the stakeholders. It envisages end-to-end integration of various IT systems belongs to various stakeholders in Govt. of Punjab for efficient fund flow and payment-cum-accounting system.

Our Vision
To facilitate development and growth for State of Punjab through progressive financial management.

Our Mission
To improve State's financial position by improving financial planning and expenditure control.
IFMS Youtube
IFMS YouTube Channel was created by NIC Punjab for users of IFMS. Duplication of its content in any form is strictly restricted. Authorisation to reproduce videos must be obtained from the Department of Finance, Govt. of Punjab.
Go to ChannelHow to Add Payee?
How to Fill NPS Paybill?
How to fill Salary Paybill?
How to Process Application at DDO Level?
Introduction of IFMS eReceipt Module.
Employee Transfer.
Add Employee as Payee.
How to fill NPS Arrear Bill?.